Thursday, August 28, 2008

Live Fron Denver #6


DAY 4/INSTALLMENT #6: From Joe Biden To Obama-Loving Cab Driver To Kayne West--A Night of Nights

Things just keep getting better and better.

So, some skill and diplomacy was needed last night. Not only did I post part of this blog during John Kerry's speech but then had to time it so that I could at least watch Joe Biden's acceptance speech on the monitors and hear it on the audio speakers as I left the Pepsi stadium to meet exec X from hot sponsor company y to pick up my exclusive credentials. There only being one, had to excuse myself nicely from my little circle in the skybox to then hook up with the other circle in attendance at the event. The audio of Biden's son's story of the car accident is echoing all over the perimeter of the Pepsi Center, and it's just so touching that I'm kinda glad I'm not sitting still focusing on it too much because it's just too sad. I pause a moment to think well for him and his family, no doubt!
The pure pedestrian and ground traffic is absolutely crazy here so you need to leave three times the amount of time to do something than you normally would. I had to pick up the credential at one part of town and then get to an entirely different part of town before a certain time because I was assured that it would be so packed that no one would be let in after probably 10:30pm. I grabbed the by-now famed 16th street shuttle and made it to the hotel bar to meet my new biz associate who I almost got so wrapped up discussing his former political career before his current career (over a quick drink) that I found myself having to quickly scoop up my Kanye West image graced credential, step right out into a taxi and make it to Denver's EXDO club.
I get the most charming Ethiopian cab driver who is super into all the events of the week. He recently became a citizen and explains that he has been following Obama's career since he watched him deliver his famous speech at the previous convention. Dude is no joke on his knowledge!
There is already a crazy line outside complete with generators whirring and at least 20 klieg lights flashing. This is the place to be.
Although the club seems a bit cavernous, it fills up quickly. The crowd is certainly more stiff than a regular music industry party. And I don't see nearly the amount of diversity in the club as I do on all the monitors. You see, this party is thrown by the philanthropic One organization in tandem with the Recording Industry Association of America. The event is to bring awareness to malaria in Africa and there are nothing but the usual images of Africans looking ill and deprived. I can't help but wonder what mainstream America would do if Africa were not always around to "save" and if people of color are accepted more on either a celebrated level or some level such as this only rather than the real trickle down effects of balance in that actual room.

Hmmmm.... (cause for the RIAA making the bulk of its revenue thanks to artists of color and execs of color who know how to push them....know what I mean?
)Anyway, I grab one of the limited stools there around a table and are soon joined by some people who work for a prominent Congressman. We end up having a gang of fun together and are later joined by an insider at the DNCC and that person's companions. Did you know that when the convention originally started that no one knew who the nominee was going to be and that is why everyone was called to convene to "vote."
Hence the "roll call" of the states and all. I found this out from my new politico connects. This is also why now there is just so much talking in the hall (unless it's a big speaker) because there is not that level of intrigue anymore. Oh, I should mention, if you don't already know, there are hours and hours of speakers and coverage which you are not seeing on TV and even what you are seeing on TV is cut - in real time. Crazy, huh?

Anyway, I get some interesting information which I can't really share, but here is some I can. While we are talking, the secret service is doing a sweep of INVESCO so that it is prepared by 3am for east coast morning shows to be on the ground of the stadium reporting. They have to work fast and expertly in order to time it. Usually more time is given! It's less than 24 hours. No joke.
But almost at the anticipated time of shortly after midnight, our boy appears and it's hot. Kanye takes the stage like a pro with his full band. It's live, it's hot, it's fun. We're even privy to portions of songs which he just wrote two days ago. But when Jamie Foxx comes out to do "Golddigger" with him, I almost lose my mind! Surprise. "Good Life" was a crazy highlight as well. Icing on top of the cake? Around 1am the club served waffled, pancakes and breakfast burritos buffet style. Too cute.
Ben Affleck and others were in the house as well.

I hear the rumor that it's a million-dollar party but neither myself, nor my confidant, can see that reflected although - don't get me wrong, it was cute.
Ah, the money that is available in this country!I fall into bed around 3am. No interviews for this girl. I'm chilling and having a nice breakfast and meeting some Denver friends before heading leisurely to INVESCO.
Today is like Xmas, New Year's and your b-day all rolled into one. It's Obama-time!

Much more later, kidz.....